But practicing the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ, who is the head.
Ephesians 4:15
We have a New Members and Inquirers Class that we believe is a great way to learn about Brazos. In the class, you'll see our statement of faith, learn why we do things the way we do, find out about our children's and youth ministries, understand what you can expect of us, as well as what we expect of you, take a look at our budget, and meet the staff and elders.
The class is only one session, we meet on a Sunday night - about every 6 weeks - from 5:00-7:00 pm, with a meal and childcare provided. We post meeting dates on the homepage of our website. In order to become a member of Brazos, we ask that you attend this meeting. But please note this is a "no pressure" way to see if Brazos is for you. Check it out!